
Kedron Aged Care

The brief

This project required sensitive design for specific aged care needs within an existing Residential and Mixed Use neighbourhood. The positioning of large flat floor plates for easy access across the facility, clear definition of front-of-house and back-of-house separation, whilst also providing courtyard planning to support natural ventilation and reduced the impact on existing neighbourhood. 


We achieved a residential scale to the building by both stepping the building layout to suit the existing grade, articulating the facade by using exterior balconies, sun hoods and heavily planted the external terraces to provide shading.



development approval

Previous submissions, over a 2.5 year period, had not realised a positive response from BCC.  Using our advanced 3D modelling capability, we were able to clearly define the permissable building height envelope, and successfully received BCC Development Approval with no submissions during its public advertising period.






Development Approved

Our role

Concept and Schematic Design | Development Application | Design Development

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